On the other hand- good-natured, wholesome, unspun fiber has always behaved itself. I've never had a problem with wet or needle felting projects. Wool has always been a pleasure to work with, never trying to pull anything sneaky (unlike it's offspring, yarn).
I've often thought something happens when you twist loose fiber into yarn. All that twisting makes some yarn go bad.
And don't even get me started on projects that are knit then felted... I know the goal is to agitate the yarn, but throwing badly behaved yarn into the washing machine just seems to make it angry!
But I'm posting today to tell you that the problem goes much deeper my friends. In fact all the way to the source.
Turns out that fiber is really the criminal mastermind!
That's the only way I can explain how a simple wet felted "snowball" can go so horribly, horribly wrong.

It's lumpy, bumpy and somehow the previously snow white fiber shows dark grey lines once felted. And some parts of it actually refused to felt to the others!
It's now obvious to me that wool can be evil to the core.
Do you think these problems could be traced all the way back to ill-tempered sheep?
I don't work with wool or yarn, but u make it seem soooo much fun!!!
ReplyDeleteThank You! It is fun- if you ever want to give it a try and need some tips I'd be happy to help!
ReplyDeleteHmmm, this has me picturing an awnry sheep with a bad attitude prancing around the fields!
ReplyDeleteAlso, I was contacted by a couple of other blog friends about a challenge we will be announcing on Monday. I immediately thought of you and think it would be super fun to have you join. If you have a second, check in at http://www.thespacebetweenblog.wordpress.com on Monday to learn more, and feel free to email me if you have any questions!
Karah @ thespacebetweenblog
Meg, Meg, Meg! You are so funny! I am laughing so hard I can hardly type!
ReplyDeleteThis very thing happened to one of my white felted balls! As a matter of fact - the yarn came from you! And once wet felted looked exactly like this! A little dry needle felting helped and then a big ole hat and a beard hid the rest!
Funny, funnt post. And i agree - wool can have an evil mind of it's own!
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ReplyDeleteYou consistently deliver high-quality content that educates and entertains, thank you! Hey everyone, have you tried the CPS Test yet? It's a fun way to challenge your clicking speed!
ReplyDeleteOne of my white-felted balls experienced this exact thing! Actually, you were the one who came up with the yarn! And this is exactly how wet felted looked! A beard and a large hat concealed the rest, and a little dry needle felting helped! Appreciate you for constantly putting out excellent, entertaining, and educational stuff!
ReplyDeleteIt's knotty, rough and some way or another the already snow white fiber shows dim dark lines once felted. Furthermore, a few pieces of it really declined to believed to the others! stalking charges in maryland It's currently clear to me that fleece can be deeply malicious.