Goldilocks may have found her "just right"... but she never had to felt slippers.
This gray didn't seem to felt enough and is too big.

That black one felted too much and is too small.

And both of them go under the heading "crafty disasters".
These slippers seemed like such a great idea but were was absolutely cursed from beginning to middle to end!
I have green ones that I also started knitting but I'm not sure I can bring myself to finish them- these two were painful enough. I know it's not the pattern (it knit up beautifully) this has just been "one of those" projects for me.

Even if I could get them to fit on my feet- they are the ugliest things made of wool I think I've ever seen and I wouldn't even wear them just around the house. Never mind give them to people- which is what they were intended for. Giving gifts like this is how you loose friends! (LOL)

I don't know where this one went so terribly wrong... because the picture on the pattern is oh so cute!
The optimist in me says maybe third times a charm, and to go with the green ones.

I'm just not sure my wool psyche can take anymore punishment.
I admire your ability to laugh at yourself but then you have so many great projects. You will figure out how to turn this around, I know.
ReplyDeleteI wish that I could off you some advice...But I don't felt...I can see that they will be very cute when completed and pretty though. I hope that you are able to figure out what is going wrong. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for giving me a good giggle tonight, I love all the close-ups! I guess the more important question is (as it's a balmy 3 degrees here) do they keep your toes warm?
ReplyDeleteWell... laughing now, but you should have seen me when pulled these sopping wet lumps out of the washer. If they had been brown they'd look just like baked potatoes instead of the cute little shoe like slippers I was going for.
ReplyDeleteI suppose they do perform the "keeping toes warm" function (at least that is the ones I can fit on my feet).
Thanks for the votes of confidence ladies!
Such a pity they didn't turn out quite right! They're still kind of pretty though... could you maybe trim them a bit or something? I have to admit I'm terrified of felting, the most I've done is a small bag, because I worry I'll spend ages knitting only to have the washing machine destroy it!
ReplyDeleteCan you e-mail the person that wrote the pattern and ask for advice? Seems strange that they're not working out? Poor slippers! :)
ReplyDeleteFelting can be so tricky-tricky!
ReplyDeleteI've been very tempted to make these felted slippers, but I am going to learn a lesson from your experience.
I've seen these slippers knit by other people and they really turned out lovely. True felting can be tricky, but it's also really rewarding and tons of fun when it turns out right. I still love the process- even if they turned into wooly baked potato lumps.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good suggestion to contact the author of the pattern to see if she has any suggestions. And it's true I think some trimming of the raggedy parts would help them look at least a little better.
I don't know anything about felting, but I think these are awesome...hope the next time you do it works better!
ReplyDeleteThese have so much potential!!! The grey ones are almost there. Don't give up on them yet! Try doing a little hand felting so you can control how much each area is felted. If the button flap is still too big and floppy then trim it down, it won't unravel after it's felted. Shape them to your feet after you've rinsed out all of the soapy water, you can push and pull on the wool until it behaves and takes the shape that you want.