Monday, January 18, 2010

Sharpie Giveaway!

Happy Monday. It's day two in the week of giveaways everyday!

Yesterday in the felted rabbit giveaway I said today's giveaway would be something no crafter can do without. And in my mind that's... permanent markers.

I lust after these sets in the office supply store- maybe it's the way the colors are all lined up. Perhaps it's something that goes back coloring with markers as a child. I don't know why, but I love them and practically have to have them when I see them. And I know I'm not alone on this one- a ton of you fellow crafters LOVE your sharpies too.

Now that there's the "sharpie buffet" (as I call it) in the office supply store where you can buy any color you want one by one it's so hard not to just dive into them... uhh I mean pick one or two up in a totally controlled and non-addictive way...

Back to the giveaway at hand (before I get myself into trouble with the Mister)- Today I have this 24 pack of Sharpies (fine point) up for grabs.

Here's How to Enter:

1. Leave me a comment telling me what your favorite color is (good for one entry). If you are a follower or become a follower mention it in your comment and you'll automatically get an extra entry (total of 2 chances to win).

2. If you also link to this giveaway on your blog- you'll get another entry. (Please leave the link in your comment so that I can verify it).

That's up to three chances to win!

The contest is open to US residents only (sorry, markers are hard to get through customs) and ends tonight (Monday Jan. 18th) at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time. I'll choose a winner using a random number generator on Tuesday afternoon.

Good Luck and Thanks for entering!!! Here's a little hint for tomorrow's giveaway- I'll be giving away something by one of my favorite crafty bloggers.

Update: The winner of yesterdays felted bunny giveaway is Jenny! Congratulations Jenny- I'll be contacting you by email. I left a comment in yesterdays post answering a few questions that came up. I also left the link where you can download the bunny pattern (from fiber trends) for anyone who might still like to make a bunny.


  1. My favorite color is with any shade of green and I am a follower

    Here's a great giveaway. Nothing to do but comment.

  2. My favorite color is pink!! What a terrific giveaway! I have always wanted a great big set like this one!!

    I am a follower!!

    mellisarock at yahoo dot com

  3. Has it really been a whole year already?? Congratulations!

    My favourite colour is purple (although depending on my mood I might also have said red).

    Oh and I'm a follower :)

  4. I LOVE the darker pink color!!!

  5. I'm a follower (day 2 now!) and my favorite color is turquoise blue--just a little darker than a robin's egg.

  6. Well green is my favoriate color. But I LOVE Pink! Great giveway!

  7. my favorite color is burple-a purple shade with tints of blue!

  8. My favorite color is pink, and I am a follower.

  9. Oh thank you for picking me for the bunny kit! Is it OK if I enter this one, too? My favorite color is purple! Preferably sparkly! And I'm putting up a link to this on my blog today!

  10. I love black because I can use it all th etime, but I love green green green!

  11. I am now a follower found you from "win my year"


    I blogged and linked uup!

  13. My favorite color (this week) is orange!

  14. ooooo - sharpies will motivate me to join any blog! I have been lusting over these for quite some time, but keep talking myself out of the purchase.

    Okay so #1 - I'm now a follower
    #2 - my favorite color is currently orange.

    I will be praying to the random number generator gods tonight!


  15. PINK to match my Sweet Harper goodies! Also, just became a follower ;-) Have a great Monday!

  16. Holy Moley, I love Sharpies!!I'm really into lime green right now. And I'm already a follower!

  17. I like red sharpie.

  18. I love cobalt blue.

    I'm a follower.


  19. My favorite color is green. Thanks for the great giveaway!
    I'm a new follower.


  20. i am a pre-k teacher, do you know how we go through sharpies, and of course we get no money for supplies so I would, could, should be in consideration for this wonderful give away!

    I am going to become a folower when I finish and I will also mention it on my blog: asap!

  21. hi , my favorite color is red! i just love it, , ..............o and i became a follower on google friend connect! thanks

  22. Hello,
    Jenny sent me over and RED is my fav,,I am also a follower.. Love sharpies, love 'em... I am a new blogger and have found it to be addicting.. lol

  23. My favorite color is blue.

    lkish77123 at gmail dot com

  24. Love these! I am a follower as of 1 minute ago!

  25. New follower (found you in the craft blog class. Love me some sharpies!!

  26. My favorite color is dark purple!
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  27. Oh I SO want this!!!!! As "Steel Magnolias" would say, Shelby: "My [favorite] colors are blush and bashful!" M'Lynn "Her [favorite] colors are pink and pink!" Hee hee. Exactly.

    I'm a follower and have for SURE linked this to my blogs!!!

  28. I follow Jenny and I'm so glad she won your giveaway yesterday. She said the word "sharpie" and I came running. It is nice to "meet" you!


  29. I love magenta!
    ThankfullyThrifty at gmail dot com

  30. I could use some new sharpies...a bunch of mine have dried up! Cool giveaway! Thanks

  31. i like yellow...not to wear...but in rooms and items

  32. Hey Meg I just realised that your giveaway is only open to US residents - duh! So count me out, sorry to have been a bit dumb.

    Aveen :)

  33. I love purple but pink is great too!
    Victoria S.

  34. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you- Wow I was overwhelmed by the response to this. Thank you for making this the best blogging day I've ever had... you all put a huge smile on my face.

    I appreciate all the new followers, the comments, and the posts about this giveaway!!!

    In case any of you were wondering... the favorite color picked the most was pink.

    Oh yeah, and that part about a winner : )

    Congratulations to The Lil Missus!!! Please send me your address and I'll mail you your new pack of sharpies!

  35. Oh, I'm SO sorry that I didn't get a hold of you! I didn't know! I'm so excited, I never win ANYTHING!!!! I hope I don't seem ungrateful! I'm very excited!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!

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