Friday, January 8, 2010

Clean-up Time and Get Ready for Giveaways!

Now that the craziness from the holidays is over it's definitely time to clean my craft studio. It's a total disaster.

These shelves are pretty organized after 2 hours of cleaning- gathering stray supplies from all over not only the craft room but the entire house!

The island is next on the list. I also have to reorganize the cabinet storage under the island counter. I'm really not using that space efficiently right now.

I'm really excited for this next part of the post- in a few weeks I will have been blogging for one whole year! I can't believe it's been a year already!!

When I started it was a totally new thing to me and I wasn't sure if I was going to like it or not. Turns out I really love it. I've met some wonderful people. Blogging opened up this whole new world to me and I love seeing and sharing this creative energy.

To celebrate my blog's birthday I am going to be doing my first ever giveaway!

Well more than one giveaway- actually a whole week of them. My husband and I do "Birthday Week" for each other instead of just one day so I've decided to the same for the blog and have a "giveaway-a-day" for the week leading up to my blog anniversary.

The plans are still coming together but it's going to be January 17th-23rd. I'll be posting more details over the next few weeks!

Lucy is very excited about the whole thing.


  1. I wish you'd come and organise my house for me too!

    Love the photo of Lucy, she's a sweetie :D

  2. LOL- it's about the only place in the house that's organized at the moment!

    Lucy does love to cuddle- she's a sweet girl.


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