Monday, September 17, 2012

PB and J Cookies

I know I'm a bit late for back to school (and haven't been posting at all lately) but I was sick for over a week with some sort of virus that's been going around. (Isn't is too early for these things to be making the rounds). I was miserable with a sore throat for a few days then it turned into a lovely chest/head cold that I'm still recovering from. The summer was really hard for me dizziness wise so I haven't been feeling very good in general but anytime I'm sick on top of my usual not feeling good/dizziness I'm just a wreck. There was nothing to do but wait it out. So... back to school cookies, a bit late.

Anyway, these PB&J's are a fun twist on the good old thumbprint jam cookie.

To start I rolled a peanut butter cookie dough (you can use homemade or store-bought) into half inch balls. And placed them on a parchment covered cookie sheet.

Then I made a little thumbprint well in the center of each ball and filled it with jam. I used strawberry jelly which is my favorite J for a PB&J... but use whatever flavor you like best.

I baked the cookies at 350 until the edges were set and they began to brown (about 10 minutes).



  1. mmmm! i love PB! Must try this recipe! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Sorry you have had such a rough summer, Meg. My daughter went back to school about 2 weeks ago and now has just the same cold you described.

    My husband/daughter are the big PB fans in our house. I plan to make these when she comes home first break. Thanks for sharing & feel better soon!


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