Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Pinata Candy Filled Cookie

I'm really having some fun with Cinco de Mayo this year!

The latest is this Pinata cookie that's actually filled with candy.

I was inspired by the Dala horse cookie cutter my good friend Pam over at Gingerbread Snowflakes gave me for Christmas in July. (Thanks again Pam!) It makes the perfect pinata horse shape. The only modification I had to made was to cut the bottoms of the feet off so the cookies would be able to stand up after I sandwiched them together. (I did that after baking with a sharp knife.)

I decorated two cookies (each one facing opposite directions) with various colors of frosting. I used a grass tip on the pastry bag to get the "crepe paper" texture . Once they were covered with frosting I set them aside to dry.

When the cookies were dry and could be handled (carefully). I sandwiched them together with more frosting (decorated sides facing out).

But before I put the top cookie on, I filled the space in the middle with chocolate candies.

Then covered the sandwich seams with more of the grass tip texture.

When everything is dry the pinata can stand up. You can even shake it and here the candy wiggle around inside!

And just like a real pinata... the fun is smashing it open.

Fair warning- if you find decorated cookie destruction disturbing, avert your eyes.

Super fun to make, smash, and share with friends! Yum!!


  1. Wow- love the detail and the thought you had to fill the cookies with candy. What fun!

  2. As long as it doesn't jiggle, I can watch any cookie destruction! Seriously, this is just the cutest, most fun thing I've seen!

  3. OMG I would have never in ten million years have thought the Dala cookie cutter could be put to such a creative and genius use!! I am sitting here shaking my head and smiling and giggling and wishing I were on of your kids!!!

    The Dala cutter is perfect, isn't it!

    But how in the world you came up with this!!! Impressive! And I bet you were having way too much fun making these!!!

    LOVE the Pinata cookies! Brilliant!

  4. Meg,

    This is the coolest idea! I liked the cookies to start with but to turn them into a pinata as well! Hope you are well and life is sweet.
    I wrote you months ago asking where did you get the wooden house that you used for the leprechaun house. You said Michaels had them before but you weren't sure about now. Well, after three or four trips to Michaels, I finally bought one that would do but of course didn't get it done. Last week I was in the area of Michaels and guess what - they had them again so I bought one just like to one you have. Question - What do I do with the other birdhouse? Any suggestions?


  5. Hi Maureen,

    Thanks for the comment!

    I remember your comment and am SO happy you found one of those birdhouses! I even checked my Michael's store the next time I was there and saw they they no longer had that style. But I was still hoping maybe your's did!

    I would LOVE to see pictures of how it turns out when you get it done.

    Hmm- what to do with another birdhouse. Well lately I've been seeing a ton of really lovely fairly houses for the garden made with birdhouses. YOu could always decorate it for another upcoming holiday. Using Mod Podge to cover it with red, white and blue papers or fabrics for July 4th.

    I recently made one for Valentine's day (love birds) and used a candle stick and wooden base to put it on a pedestal. Here's the link-

  6. HAHA! Brilliant! Why the heck haven't we all been making pinatas out of cookies this whole time?!

  7. Wow! Such a cute and unique idea! I love it. :-)


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