Thursday, December 15, 2011

Turn PT Tubes into Hot Chocolate Ornaments

If you been following along with me through the Crafty Christmas Tree Challenge you already know that I've been stretching my $20 budget to it's limits.

And I'm not sure how this keeps happening, but my artificial tree is growing. No really- before we unpacked it I thought it was 5.5ft, then the box came down and I thought said 6ft. Then I noticed the box waiting to go back into the attic and this time the box said 6.5ft.

Since my budget and my tree and moving opposite directions I figured I better think up at least one or two free ornaments.

I've been saving PT and TP rolls for I don't know what- and thought I could come up with something good using those.

So with my tubes plus a bunch of other scraps, the hot chocolate mug ornament was born!

To make these you'll need:

PT tubes (1 tube made 5 ornaments).
Scrap white paper (both card stock and regular old printer paper)
Scrap brown paper the color of yummy hot chocolate
Cardboard- (the kind that comes in the back of notebooks and drawing pads).
Scraps of coffee filters (the ruffly ends about half and inch wide)
Red and white striped drinking straw
Mod Podge
Small amount of water in a plastic cup
String or embroidery floss to hang the ornament from
Craft Knife
Needle Tool

I started by cutting my tube into 5 segments. I eyeballed the size to what I thought would be a good mini mug height.

Next I cut some circles from my scrap cardboard.

Each mug needs two circles. One that's the same size as the PT tube, which I made by tracing around the tube. The second, smaller circle, should fit inside the tub. Make those by tracing the inside of the tube.

The large circle is glued to the the bottom of the tube.

The small circle is glued onto a piece of brown paper that's larger on all sides than the cardboard circle.

While those are drying it's a nice time to cut the white card stock. First you need a band that's long enough to wrap completely around the tube. You also need the band to be wider than the height of the mug. So if you're mug is 3 inches high cut your band 3.5 or 4 inches wide.

You'll also need a white card stock circle the same size as the circle glued on the bottom of the tube.

Once the glue on the tube is dry use Mod Podge to cover the outside with your band of white paper. Be sure to let the paper overhang on the top and bottom edges.

Next cut fringe around the paper on the top and bottom so it will wrap around the tube easily.

Wrap the paper onto the bottom and over the top. Again using Mod Podge to adhere the paper.

Once the tube is dry you can glue the circle on the bottom and cover up the wrapped paper ends.

Now back to the small circle glued to the brown paper. Cut generously around the cardboard disc and fringe the excess paper the same way you did on the tube.

Once both the disc and the tube are dry put some glue around the edge of the disc and insert it into the top of the mug. This might take a few tries- don' worry if the "hot chocolate" disc isn't exactly even in the mug... it won't make a difference in the cuteness of the finished ornament.

Then use your needle tool to make a small hole near the top of the mug. so you'll able to hang your finished ornament. I made mine near the seam of the paper because it was easy for me to remember that's where I wanted my handle to be.

To make the handle for the mug start by rolling strips of printer paper. (A toothpick helps to get it started.) Then soak them for a few minutes in water until the paper roll bends easily.

Cuve it into a "C" shape and set aside to dry (I let mine dry overnight). To keep the shape I used push pins in some styrofoam.

Once the handles are dry use a craft knife to cut the ends at and angle so they fit against the mug nicely. Glue the handles into place.

Once the handle are dry, give the entire mug a coat of Mod Podge.

Last but not least- to make them look more like hot chocolate and less like coffee I added whipped cream and a peppermint stick.

The whipped cream is a bit a coffee filter rolled into a rosette-like shape and glued onto the top.

The peppermint stick is made from a red and white straw.

First I cut it into the lengths I needed, and glue them to a scrap of white paper. Once the glue was dry I trimmed around the straws. The white circle of paper closed the tip straw and made it look solid like a peppermint stick.

The other end was cut at an angle and glued onto the surface of the hot chocolate.

Add a hanger (I used red embroidery floss that I had leftover from my other ornament projects) and you have yourself some cute (and free) upcycled ornaments!

Total taken from my budget was zero... so I still have $5.27

Stay tuned later today I'll be posting my entire tree!


  1. Another fun project and you are so smart that they cost you zero! I can't wait to see the whole tree!

  2. I LOVE these! It's too late for this year, but I'm pinning this to make for next year. :)

  3. These are just so cute! I'm telling you, you amaze me every time!

  4. Michel Ann! I am right in there with her! You amaze me too. I viewed the entire tutorial, and I still can't believe you made these!

    Cute, cute, cute. Oh and did I mention genius!

  5. So cute! These are really adorable :)

  6. Thanks so much everyone. I really stretched my brain on these ones. I thought I could make something from those PT tubes. Then when I was brainstorming for ornaments ideas and came up with hot chocolate I knew I had a match!

  7. Um, this is crazy cute. I love it so much!

  8. This is awesome! I have tubes saved always...I'm going to try and make some in time for Christmas this year!

    I'd love for you to link up and share:

  9. Lordy! Those are just as cute as they can be, and what a genius use of materials. Thank you so much for sharing this tutorial!

  10. These are so amazingly cute! I will absolutely be doing these next year as gifts, and for my own tree!

  11. Over from ModPodge Rocks!
    Love These lil guys, they are awesome!

  12. Thanks for all the super nice comments you guys- if any one makes these pretty pretty please send me a picture or a link I'd love to see them!

    Happy Holidays!

  13. Found you thru Mod Podge Rocks for your Hot Choc ornaments and saw you did a cute $20 tree challenge this year-- how fun! Sorry I missed it! But.... cuz I like your site and wanna know when you do other such fun challenges, I've become your newest Follower!

    Smiles and Happy Holidays from NW Illinois,

  14. This is truly a brilliant craft & green to boot! Thanks for the great tutorial. I'll have to make some up myself for those cold winter nites.

  15. I always love it when someone comes up with something that I've never seen before. These ornaments are so cute! And, the fact that they are made from cardboard tubes makes them a great recycled project too.

  16. love these.. wonderful :)

  17. Super cute! Thanks for the great step by step, I might try this with my little people.

  18. I love these ornaments, I hope it's ok to send some of my blog readers your way for inspiration for a little blog party we are having! Thank you!

  19. These are so cute.Im not to good at crafts but this one I'm going to try

  20. I love your crafts tips, now I know what to do with it. Thanks for sharing.

  21. I love your crafts tips, now I know what to do with it. Thanks for sharing.

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  28. It is essential to provide detailed instructions, safety precautions, and an explanation of the purpose or benefits of this method. The materials and tools required for the project should be listed, and a step-by-step process should be provided with detailed instructions. The temperature should be specified for serving or consumption, and hygiene and cleanliness should be emphasized. Alternative uses for PT tubes should be explored, and visual aids should be considered. Creativity and presentation should be encouraged, and the environmental impact should be discussed. The taste and quality of the hot chocolate should be considered compared to traditional methods. Feedback and comments should be encouraged, and a legal and safety disclaimer should be included. Finally, readers should be encouraged to experiment with different types of hot chocolate recipes, flavorings, or toppings when using PT tubes. This will help readers understand the process and make informed decisions about their use.Abogado de Accidentes Camiones VA

  29. I wonder if you could use PVC pipe cut into 3” sections like a mug, and clean off writing. But what would you use for a handle? Ideas?

  30. They decided to turn them into something special - hot chocolate ornaments. With some creativity and fun, they transformed the tubes into colorful decorations filled with delicious hot chocolate mix. Now, instead of being waste, the tubes brought joy and warmth, delighting everyone who received them as festive treats.

  31. Turning PT tubes into Hot Chocolate Ornaments is a fun and tasty way to add a homemade touch to your holiday decorations. Plus, you get a sweet treat when you're ready for some warm cocoa!"


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  33. Crafty and cost-effective! These hot chocolate mug ornaments are genius. With just PT tubes and some scraps, you've created adorable decorations. Thanks for the DIY inspiration and step-by-step guide!
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