Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lemonade Stand

Update: A huge thanks to Amy at Mod Podge Rocks for featuring my wrapping paper frame today! And thanks to Diane at CraftyPod for taking the scare factor out of this list- read on that will make more sense.

Thanks to Joanne at Ready, Set, Craft for nominating me for the lemonade stand award.

To be honest- I sort of didn't know what to do about this at first. I felt a bit shy about nominating 10 other blogs. I don't know why but it was just something that made me a little uncomfortable.

In the end I decided a few things:

1. I was flattered that Joanne thought of me and I didn't want to ignore that.

2. Maybe doing something that makes you feel a little uncomfortable is good for you. It can open you up to new possibilities.

3. Blogging is about a community of people- and why not show 10 other people that I appreciate what they are putting out there.

4. I'm making a conscious effort to leave comments on other blogs. There are some blogs I read pretty frequently but don't leave many- if any comments. This is the perfect way to solidify the more comment effort. There may be some people genuinely surprised to get this award from me- they may have never heard from me before.

And 5. If there is a blog I admire I'm not going to hesitate to put it on my list- even if I'm afraid they are "much bigger than I am" and "won't care" or they "might think it's corny and not care". In short- I don't care if they don't care- I'll list them anyway.

So here it goes-

First of all I wish I could give this award right back to Joanne- she totally deserves it. "Meeting" her through the blogosphere is exactly what I hoped to get from this blogging experience. We are states and states apart and otherwise would never known each other but through our blog exchanges we've become friends.

1. Chubby Mummy. I love her style and her embroidery/quilting rocks!
2. It's Loverly. She always has great insights.
3. CraftyPod. Ok this one goes in my scary big category (it's not the only one on here either) but Diane's advise on blogging through both her podcasts and workshops have truly been an inspiration to me and I can't say enough how much I have valued it. I think her insight and attitude are amazing.
4. Dabbled. I just love her attitude! Always something wonderful to share.
5. Mod Podge Rocks. I love her attitude too. It's just a fun site with so much inspiration!
6. Samster Mommy. Her blog is one of the most honestly written things I've seen- it's hilarious and refreshing.
7. The Magic Onions. I love her attitude and the pictures are always beautiful!
8. Bakerella. Ok super scary big! I love her stuff, all the tiny details make me giddy. You can tell what she creates really makes her happy. I'm going to move on now before a chicken out and take her off my list.
9. With a grateful prayer and a thankful heart. I really like her projects and I think her blog name fits right in with the spirit of the award.
10. Ok so maybe this is cheating but I really have to give Joanne's kitten mama blog a shout out- it's a wonderful story documented in blog format. I think it shows attitude and gratitude... and she doesn't have to do anything for getting this award since she already did her list of 10 for her craft blog.

Maybe the link chain portion of this award dies a little bit with me (because I'm pretty sure there are people on this list who won't pass it on) but that's my list and I'm sticking too it!

(Official award rules... put the lemonade logo on your blog or within your post, nominate at least ten blogs with great attitude or gratitude, link the nominees within your post, let the nominees know they have received this award by commenting on their blog, share the love and link to the person from whom you received this award)

Thank you Joanne!


  1. Wow, Thanks so much, Meg! No need for scary, either - big audiences or small ones, we bloggers are all just people sharing the things we geek out about most. We all inspire each other, and that's a beautiful thing.

    This was super kind of you, and made my whole day. XO

  2. Diane- you are always so sweet. Thanks- this made my day!

  3. Hi Meg ... oh I am so happy ... what a great day I have had. Thank you so much for thinking of me! I shall display my blog award with pride.

    I'll be out with the camera tomorrow so will post more pictures of the snow. We currently have around a foot and its still coming ! The neighbour lost a tree under the weight of snow ... unfortunately it toppled into our yard and the tree seat is long buried with the white stuff!

    Thanks again for nominating me. I shall endeavour to do more quilting !

  4. Wow that is a huge amount of snow for the UK- I can't wait to see those pictures!!!

  5. Hello Meg! So nice meeting you and visiting your very sweet blog! You are so very kind to think of me in this very special way!

    I am glad we have met and I plan on perusing many of your past posts to get to know you better!

    Kindly, ldh

  6. Hi LDH, I loved your German paper star tutorial so much that I've been perusing your blog ever since and have found some fantastic things. Thanks for stopping by!

  7. You little over analyzer, you! :) I felt a lot of those same feelings, but that's okay! It's funny how connected a group of people can become through blogging - and if it takes a lemonade stand award for us to let each other that we appreciate each other - then so be it! Silly or not! Much love to you my friend!

  8. LOL guilty as charged on the over-analysis! Probably why my blog posts are so long! : )

  9. Thank you, Meg... I am totally honored! I really enjoyed reading your hesitations as they made me smile knowingly to myself... I have felt all of those same feelings. I'm so glad you came to the conclusions you did. And, one of my most important New Year's Resolutions is to step outside the comfort zone... you stepping outside yours is inspirational... thanks! Now, I'm off to enjoy some lemonade from my new stand.
    Blessings and magic.
    PS - I am green with envy over your glitter stash!!!! Can't wait to see what gorgeous crafts you make!

  10. Thanks so much what you said means a lot.

    I've been totally obsessed with that glitter for a while now. It was bordering on unhealthy : )


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