Monday, February 4, 2013

Giveaway: Needle Felted Snowman

So for my final blogiversary giveaway I thought it'd be nice to say Thank You to those of you who subscribe to my blog by giving away something that I made.

This little needle felted snowman.

He's about 6 1/4 inches tall, doesn't have a name yet, and is looking for a good home. (Note: Since needle felting can be delicate and small pieces could come off- this a decorative item only. It's not suitable as a children's toy.)

I appreciate that you all chose to follow this blog. The comments and emails I get on posts honestly brighten my day.

So this giveaway is simple. If you follow my blog and live in either the US or Canada (sorry other international readers- I'm unsure about shipping wool through customs) just leave me a comment and you're entered to win.

If you're email and name aren't in your profile- be sure to leave an email address in your comment.

The Giveaway is open from Feb 4th 2013 to Feb 8th 2013 11:59 pm EST.

I'll pick a random comment on Saturday Feb 9th 2013 and announce the winner in a new post, and contact them by email.

Good Luck and Thank You for reading this blog!


  1. Thanks for a chance to win this darling snowman! Thanks, too, for all the awesome tutorials and blog posts!

  2. One more time! Happy Anniversary!

    What a perfect way to wind up the festivities - something you have personally created! Surely your snowman will miss you - but I am sure the lucky winner will give it a warm welcome! Well - hum - maybe a chilly welcome would be better!

    Thank you for all you share so generously. You inspire me and have been responsible for leading me in directions i might not ever have taken - cookie cutter felting is one that immediately comes to mind! Oh AND you taught me the simple tricks for glazing the tops of cookies!! And those are just the tip of the ice cream cone!

    Thank you!

  3. Thank you for the giveaway, the snowman is so cute. I think the little things that are made by felting are so neat.
    smjohns63 at yahoo dot com

  4. Such a cute snowman! Happy blogiversary!

  5. He's a jolly snowman! Congrats' on your Blogiversity! I love seeing what you are up to next.

  6. He really is cute. Happy blogiversary! You do inspire us with all of your creativity. I hope to start a blog very soon too.

  7. I LOVE <3 this little guys smile. If he comes to live with me I shall have him as my desk friend. I love needle felting..only tries it a couple times..just some free form flat stuff but fun!
    I hope I win this little fellow. Thanks
    p.s. I think he will feel at home snowy Utah mountains. :)

  8. Oh, how adorable!!!
    I would love to win him!
    Thank you so much for the giveaway!

  9. Oh he's adorable! And I've got the perfect mate for him that my daughter gave me for Christmas! I love snowmen because they can set out and melt my heart all winter long :) And it's my birthday month, so pick me, pick me ;)

  10. "solicitation of a minor"
    The Needle Felted Snowman giveaway has generated excitement among readers, showcasing the handmade creation's artistic craftsmanship. The snowman is a popular choice for winter decor, and the review comments have fostered a crafting community, where individuals share ideas and experiences related to needle felting and winter-themed crafts. The giveaway has also fostered gratitude among the participants, creating a positive atmosphere around the opportunity to receive the snowman. Overall, the excitement and appreciation for the snowman giveaway contribute to its success.

  11. This adorable needle-felted snowman is the perfect winter wonderland addition! Just as every stitch counts in needle felting, every financial detail counts in business. That's where financial analytics software comes in - helping you track and analyze your financial threads with ease. Enter our giveaway to win this cozy snowman and warm up your finances with smart decision making!

  12. That's a nice giveaway. It looks so cute! plumbers worcester


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