Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Some of these little doodles are sketches for projects that have been years in the making. In all that time they've never gone from being more than just passing "that would be nice for next year" thoughts in my head.

Hmm... there just might be something to this starting Halloween early thing.

Hopefully now that I have some ideas on paper (and I'm blogging about them) I'll actually get to the crafting part and have something to show for my years of thought.

And on a related note- Has anyone else noticed that Halloween seems to be starting early not just here but everywhere? I know I usually have Halloween on the brain but I've stumbled upon movies on TV, blogs posts, and even last night's Craft Wars all with Halloween themes. And of course the stores have had merchandise for Halloween (and Christmas) out for more than a month now. Not that I'm complaining about an early Halloween mind you! I just find it curious. Like somehow the universe is making up for the October snow storm (that actually cancelled Halloween in most of the northeast last year) and giving us an extended season this year. Not to mention with all heat waves we've had this summer, I for one am looking forward to a bit of fall crispness in the air!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Felted Spiders

Thought I'd give you a little peek at what I'm working on....

This felted spider turned out to have a wicked temper, just look at those mean green eyes and horns!

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