Friday, January 27, 2012

Impossible Project Process and Giveaway Ends Today!

I'm still plucking away at my impossible project.

So far I've gone through almost all the magazines in the studio. I've torn out anything I want to keep and this entire box is bound for recycling!

Unfortunately I haven't made much progress on the island since my last update. This week I caught a bug that seems to be going around and had that vague blah feeling having a temperature gives you. So I really didn't get much done.

But at least I could go through magazines!

And just incase you've somehow missed me beating this drum all week (or just like to wait until the last minute to enter).

So if you haven't entered already, hop on over to this post and leave a comment for a chance to win. I'll be doing the random drawing and tomorrow and announcing the winner. Good Luck Everyone!


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  2. In addition to the project’s fascinating development, we’re also wrapping up an exclusive giveaway. If you haven’t entered yet, now’s the time! The giveaway offers a chance to win unique prizes that tie into the Impossible Project, making it the perfect opportunity to get involved and take home something special.
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