Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Bad Cats!

Last weekend is typically when we would take the tree down. But other things came up and we figured we'd just take it down this weekend instead.

We really should have taken the tree down.

Since last weekend the cats (who have been interested in the tree and constantly shooed away from it but so far hadn't destroyed it) have knocked down the tree not once... but twice.

Both times I came into the living room before breakfast to find it on it's side. (I'm going to apologize now for the pictures to follow. Since it's still been a little dark outside I needed the flash and well... when you haven't had your breakfast and are furious at two cats it's hard to take good pictures).

Both time once it's been picked up there have been pieces of ornaments under it.

So heartbreaking to have made them all only to have them destroyed by bad cats!

The first time a bunch of eggs broke. They tore a pair of mittens in half. Ripped a few snowflakes. And broke the straws off a few hot chocolate mugs.

The second time half the tree was undecorated since so many things broke the first time but they managed to knock it onto the other side and destroy even more.

And the tree was in a totally different direction then it would have been if it simple fell over. I think they actually dragged it a little bit!

All but one or two of the eggs that were left broke.

The garland had been chewed in several places.

More hot chocolate mugs broken/eaten. And sadly the snowflake tree topper is in two pieces.

For next year maybe I could get some sort of alarm that would alert us of impending tree disasters. Either that or fashion a tree out of a cat climber and decorate it with cat toys. That way they can climb it, claw it, and eat it to their hearts content.


  1. I always took a wire and used it to secure the tree to a hook or window or somethign to help it not ever fall if my 120 pound rott. happened to go dashign under or around it. Worked like a charm.

  2. Aww, I feel so bad after you put all that work and love into your ornament challenge. I agree with craft donkey a wire will keep it from falling over, but I suspect curious cats could still get at the ornaments if they had a mind.

  3. They were so beautiful! Naughty cats, but at least they weren't eating a cardinal (my favorite bird) in the middle of your living room!

  4. Thanks for the comments- If I look at the bright side 1. At least I have some good pictures of the tree and all the ornaments and 2. I guess I'll just have to make some new ornaments next year.

  5. I'm heart broken for you!! not all bad though, you HAVE to make new ornaments, it won't just be for fun. I've tried the cocoa mugs and messed up already, I have a while to get it right :)
    hugs and you had a gorgeous tree!!

  6. Oh no!!I'm so sorry :( That is really heart-breaking. Darn cats! Mine are old now and don't often mess with the ornaments thank goodness.

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