Monday, September 27, 2010

Guerilla Crafting On The Road

This weekend my hubbie ran his second ever half marathon. (Yay Hubbie!) Since we travelled for the race it was up to me to be his one-woman cheering section. Unfortunately the cheering section forgot to pack the sign, and only realized it at the race!

So with 2 hours to kill... I figured I'd improvise. There had to be something in the back of the car I could use to make a sign.

I found a brown grocery bag, painters tape and a utility knife. Which seemed like everything I needed! Then I tried to cut the paper bag and soon realized with the way I was going it was likely going to be my finger, leg or the seats in the car that would get cut with the utility knife instead.

At that point I remembered my original plan for killing two hours- reading and knitting.

In my knitting tool kit I always have 3 pairs of small scissors! (yes three, I don't know why...)

So I sat in the back of the car and taped away, designing as I went. The bag turned out to be the perfect sign material. With the handles taped between the two sides I was able to make two messages and flip the sign over when hubbie rounded the last turn.

On the condition of Hubbie's continued blog-anonymity this side said "Go Hubbie" and the other said "Wicked Good Job" since we were at the Wicked Half Marathon in Salem MA.

While I liked the opportunity to flex my guerilla crafting muscles a little, I think the real lesson here is that I should have emergency markers and poster board in the car at all times!


  1. Aw, you are a sweet wife. And it sounds like your husband and mine are on the same pages as far as NOT wanting to be in our blogs!

  2. Nice work! Way to improvise! Hope you had a good weekend!


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