It was an extra special surprise when Sweet Harper gave me this award!

It's been cold and gray for a a while now. I like lots of things about winter- but enough's enough already!

The guidelines say to link to 12 other blogs. So I linked to a few that are bright spots in my little corner of the blogosphere. Some are new-to-me blogs that I've found great projects on this week, others are blogs I've been a long time reader of.

Here are my 12:
- Ready, Set, Craft (Joanne has a great blog and a new sunshine yellow color in her craft room)
- Chubby Mummy (I always get a smile from her posts.)
- Lavender and Limes (this is a great new-to-me blog and I've found quite a few great projects just this week!)
- Steinway Street (There are always nice projects and recipes. And I'm in NYC frequently enough that her posts about great places all around the city are so useful)
- Brownies for Dinner (A YUMMY new-to-me blog)
- Dirty Laundry (I love the "wash" posts. Great pictures too!)
- Sticks and Bricks (Love the ideas here!)
- Real Housewife of Sheboygan County (Don't you just love this name!)
- Flipt Studio (I wish I could take the two hour pillow workshop)
- 33 Shades of Green (Gorgeous pictures, great ideas!)
- angel*treats (Always interesting thoughts, post and pojects)
- The Magic Onions (Inspiring projects and gorgeous pictures)

Sunshine Award Guidelines
1. Put the logo in my blog or post
2. Pass on the award to 12 fellow bloggers
3. Link to the nominees within my post
4. Let the nominees know they've received this award by leaving a comment on their blog
5. Share love and link to the person who gave this to you
Thank you Meg! It means a lot to me to know I can create a smile every now and again!
ReplyDeleteI'm having a sleepless night tonight so it was especially wonderful to have this surprise drop through my virtual letter box ... its made all my 5am angst disappear in a flash!
Thank you Tracey for such a lovely comment. This made my day!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Meg... your blog is lovely too! Can't wait to check out the other blogs you listed.
ReplyDeleteBlessings and magic.
Meg - Thank you so much for selecting my blog. What a nice surprise - You made my day! I am excited to look at all the other blogs too!
Thanks so much for the award and lovely comment on my blog the other night! I hope you have a fabulous time in the city next time you visit!!
ReplyDeleteHi Meg, thank you so much for this! I'm so sorry I didn't reply before, apparently my comment notification got disabled and I'm really behind in reading all the blogs I subscribe to so I've only just realised and it gave me a huge smile :)