Friday, October 23, 2009

Scrapbook Frame Tutorial

My husband and I celebrated our anniversary this month. While wrapping his present I needed a little scrap of paper to make a gift tag. I pulled out my scrap box and started digging to find something that would fit and came across the paper I used to make our wedding invitations.

I used some for the gift tag- my husband appreciated the sentiment (he recognized it, wonderful man that he is) but I hated the idea of putting this paper back into the box to be forgotten again. I loved it when I originally bought it and it really reminds me of our wedding but it was so small I really had no idea what I could do with it.
Then I noticed a few empty frames (I was planning to use for another project but they've been hanging around the craft studio for a while now) and realized that the paper was just big enough to fill a couple of blocks in this frame.

That got me thinking about using other mementos to create a sort of scrapbook style display.

I dug up some other things that remind me of our wedding. My favorite picture of the park we were married in, a leaf I pressed from our wedding day, and our initial that we used on a lot of things for the wedding.

To make one of your own start by getting a multi window frame and collecting a few items to fill each window.

Select a nice paper for the background (I chose a plain cream paper).

Then make a digital print or a color copy of whatever photos you want to use and crop them with a craft knife so they fit inside one of the windows in your frame (you want to measure the space so that the pictures edges will be behind the border of the window it's in). I suggest making prints or copies instead of using real photos incase you make a mistake cutting. I printed mine of glossy photo paper and it looked great.

Now position your other items into the different windows and glue them down with acid free glue. You don't need to cover them with a lot of glue- just a drop is enough to hold them in place. And you're done!

You could make these for any occasion. I have a nephew due in a few days and I'm already planning one for my sister. I'll put his name, birthday and weight in one window, a picture of him in another and a copy of his hand and foot prints.


  1. Great project, I have a few empty frames like this hanging around. This gives me some great ideas for Christmas -Thanks!

  2. Thanks Alesha. I'd love to see the ones you make when you're done email me some pictures or send me a link if you post about them!


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